Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Satyricon - Intermezzo II

I've had the discography of Satyricon for a while, but I've never really listened to the entire thing all the way through so it's understandable how this little gem of an EP slipped through the cracks.

Intermezzo II consists of four songs that add up to approximately 0:20:08. The vocals are certainly what one would typically expect, with the rest of the instrumentation being about the same. Satyricon's style, however, helps to distinguish them from most other black metal bands. Their infusion of pseudo-industrial metal really comes through on the final track, "Blessed from Below: Melancholy/Oppression/Longing." The really enjoyable track on this for me, however, is "I.N.R.I." (a Sarcófago cover). Frost consistently pummels away at the drums at a blazing 251 BPM, and it really is a bit of a mindfuck to hear such fast ferociously accurate drumming.

It's a great little EP and definitely worth having, if not just for a quick black metal fix every once in a while. You can find Intermezzo II for download here:


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